Access the latest monthly data for all global economies in 2024. Explore trade patterns across various provinces, cities, and states, such as Beijing in China and California in the United States. Use our International Trade Visualization Lab to dig deep into trade data, or download any data segment you want from the Data Center.
Try NowWith hundreds of analytical dimensions, rich statistical methods, and visualization features provided by the visualization lab, you can freely create millions of custom visualizations.
Data Drive Sales! Global Trade Monitoring provides a global trade monitoring system based on bill of lading and customs declaration import and export data. In addition to daily updates for the U.S., it also includes detailed enterprise-level data for countries such as India, Vietnam, the Philippines, various South American countries, and 15 African countries. Data received is stored and made available for query on the same day.
Try NowGTF is an online trade data search and analysis system that offers a unique perspective for viewing timely, accurate and official global merchandise import and export statistics of 210 countries and regions.
Try NowWe offer limited free functions to university teachers and students, to assist their research in international trade, industry, and macroeconomics, aiming to spark groundbreaking scholarly achievements.
The data is authoritative, accurate, and up-to-date, sourced from official institutions and international organizations. Most countries update monthly, while some along the "Belt and Road" update yearly due to constraints.
Contact UsVisualize data for diverse charts, access trade stats from official sources, and ensure reliable data citation. One computer with internet connection - instantly access trade and industry insights, validating your ideas and mastering global trade with just a click.
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[辽宁 大连 香格里拉大酒店 2024年5月11日]2024年5月11日,瀚闻资讯举办的首届全球贸易观察论坛成功召开,论坛以“推进贸易高质量发展,加快建设贸易强国”为主题,来自国际贸易领域的近300名领导、专家学者、企业代表共聚一堂,围绕全球贸易发展趋势以及国际贸易热点议题,深入探讨,分享观点。
瀚闻资讯年度系列报告(已连续编撰8年)《 中日贸易投资合作报告 2024》于2024年9月发布。
Dalian Infobank Co.,Ltd(Trade mark:sinoimex,Registration No.91210200760774295L) was founded in 2004, and is one of earliest big data companies in China that started to collect global import and export data and provide inquiry and analysis services. Dalian Infobank owned a total of 39 intellectual property rights such as invention patents and software copyrights.
The trade statistics database covers 250 countries and regions in the world, accounting for 100% of the world's total trade in goods in comparison with the UN statistics or WTO Database.
The database of importers and exporters covers 250 countries and regions around the world, with nearly 10 million unduplicated importers and exporters.
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